I hope you guys like this new action I made the other day! Again, it was made in Photoshop CS5 and should work with most CS versions of Photoshop (but not elements).
If you use it please credit back to me climbtherainbow.blogspot.com.
Hope you like this action, this action enhances the colours in your photo and really makes them pop. All they layers are fully adjustable, and it was made in photoshop CS5.
If you use please credit back to me, climbtherainbow.blogspot.com, thankyou!
About time I made another photoshop action.. I hope you like it! It was made using photoshop CS5. If you use it please credit back to me climbtherainbow.blogspot.com.
The above photo is from: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Hmmm something different. These are just some illustrations I made today, they're not overlly good, but I really liked doing them especially painting with the watercolours, (love them!) well, I hope you like them, I might do some more and improve.
Hope everyone is having a good Easter, I haven't actually eaten much chocolate yet, I imagine that will change very soon... anyway... Britain's Got Talent is back on tonight! I shall be watching that :D and probably tweeting about it as I go, lol gotta love twitter, if you haven't already, please follow me @laurawilliams__! :D x
My friend told me about this photographer Parker Fitzgerald, have a look at his photos. These ones are some of my favorites, but he has loads more on his flickr here. :D